Part 35: Chapter 11-3: Bu'Shin
Chapter 11-3: Bu'Shin
All right, everyone. This is it. This is the moment we've been waiting for.
Going into the final battle, here is everyone's stats:

Not bad, eh? Kind of a twist that Rui has the highest level of the party.
Let's go.

Homunculus' face distorted.

LeDua doesn't answer.

Homunculus stiffly, like a doll, fell to her knees. LeDua glared at the void with no interest in you or Homunculus.

Darkness slowly spread throughout.

A voice, sounding like the wind of Hades, echoes throughout the void.

The darkness wavers, as to mock him.

Hearing those words, LeDua lost his temper.

The darkness wavered again.
Then it slowly started to form.

The god that you saw in the Waves of Memory appeared before you.

The god's eyes turned toward Homunculus.

With just one word, Homunculus is engulfed in flames.

LeDua let out a beastly scream.

Homunculus slowly hugged LeDua.
Before you could move, LeDua was also engulfed in flames.
The two were instantly burnt to ashes by flames that died out shortly after. Their ashes scattered over the void.

Bu'Shin spoke to the party.

Well that's... that's a god of darkness, then...?
So, Bu'Shin.

He's got a few attacks that can do some damage. He can physically attack one person for three hits at around 30-60 damage each, he can hit an entire row for about 60 to 100 damage, or he can cast an array of spells or use the odd monster ability like Glare.
Against a party under level 25, this would be a staggering challenge. Especially since Restrict Shot doesn't work on him, so he's free to smack you around as he pleases. Spell Cancel, however, works fine, so at the very least you can prevent him from using spells like Force (Priest spell, large damage on one target).
He's got another twist, though.

No pun intended.

After a while, Bu'Shin becomes Queen Otelier. This doesn't mean you can take a break; it'll still do everything in its power to kill you, only now its defense has risen sharply and many normal physical attacks and spells will only do 1 damage each. This form lasts a handful of turns before the god reverts back to Bu'Shin.
You've got a couple of options here when fighting Bu'Shin. I've included a video with two of them.
The first option is by far the easiest: Warp Attack. If you buff up your front row with a couple of Zaiba/Daiba spells to boost their attack power, each round of Warp Attack can easily do 600 to 700 damage to Bu'Shin per turn. And, even the King of Darkness can't hit your front row for the entire turn. So, if you have your two free casters using Spell Cancel, there's very little Bu'Shin can do to actually hurt you for the entire battle. On top of that, the Queen Otelier form can't block or diminish this damage either, so it doesn't make any difference in strategy.
The second option is substantially trickier and assumes you don't have Warp Attack available. You'll still want to throw out plenty of Zaiba buffs as well as Jiscort (Agility boost for everyone) and Conairu (Evasion boost for everyone); Bu'Shin is fairly slow, so it shouldn't be hard to make everyone go before it. If your party is buff enough, stick to Double Slash with two of your characters as it'll still do over 500 damage if you beef up your strength. You can also try Assisted Megadeth or Spell Sword Megadeth, the former doing around 700 damage if it isn't caught by the barrier and the latter doing around 350.
The only catch is the Queen Otelier form due to that ridiculous defense. You might still be able to bypass it with Spell Sword Megadeth, but it isn't guaranteed. You can also try Front Guard and holding out until Bu'Shin changes back; playing it safe is fine here as long as your party doesn't get afflicted with silence or paralysis (Otelier tried to use both on me, but it never worked).
I also used Valhalla a couple of times in the second video so you could see the effects it can have. Pretty sweet, actually, though definitely not worth the price of admission.
Whichever tactic you choose...

...Eventually Bu'Shin will fall.

And holy shit is that god loaded. Can I fight him again?!

That was the recurrence of souls.
You reached out into the light in hopes of seeking a soul.
Miraculously, on your fingertips, appeared a sacred silhouette.

You tried to protect, but eventually lost that person.

And so, Sagoon joins Sophia once more, to a fate unknown. Freed from the chains of Bu'Shin, Duhan may finally rest in peace.

And so ends the story of Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land.
LeDua's Demise -
Clash with Bu'Shin (Warp Attack edition) -
Clash with Bu'Shin (Without Warp Attack) -
The End -

Eh, what the hell. See you next update, in the bonus dungeon.